I had a few snafus along the way, but it was good. Overall it was an easy stitch and not difficult, but-for the fact that I can't always read and had to frog a few things and re-do them. But I'm very proud of my penguin! And Caim seems to love him.
Speaking of Caim, I have a very proud mom moment, she's 20 months, and she's asked 2 days in a row now to go 'boop' on the potty and she's pooped! How fabulous is that! Now, it's not for me, it's for the sitter, but I hope it will keep up with me through tomorrow when I'm off and through this weekend, and into forever! I know this is only the beginning, but it's a pretty damn good beginning if you ask me!
And I don't want to keep going on about this, but why do people have to talk about people behind their backs? Why can't people just be real, not fake, and just cordial and try to get along? I mean, you pretend you like someone and you're nice to them, kissing their ass, and then you go around talking about them? And then I am thinking that people are talking about me behind my back. Why? Because I have a different opinion? DON'T kiss the ass of someone I don't like? Because I stick up for myself and my friends? Because I believe I'm entitled to my own opinion? I thought friendships ran deeper than stupid shit at work and that stupid shit at work could be put aside. I try to be a goodhearted person and feel that I'm pretty genuine.
I am not badmouthing and really haven't, just disappointed and aggravated with people's attitudes. True colors have shown....and they're not pretty. Not pretty at all. Not many people have a rainbow. I'm not saying I do, but I'm proud of myself and how I've handled myself through this whole work mess. And if people have issues with me? What else is new. I went a lot of years with not many friends at all. And I value the friendships I have and will keep them and fight for them. As long as they're willing to fight for the friendship also and we are not swayed by bullies or instigators, then I'll be okay with where I'm at in life and what company I keep. I will not be happy with the losses of other friendships. But I'm not going to fight a losing battle or try to keep a sinking friendship afloat. I have more important things in life than to be the only one working on what's supposed to be two-sided friendship. So now, until the next time, which hopefully will not be fraught with work crap and bad attitudes. It probably doesn't help that I am hormonal right now and am looking at the prospect of having another knee surgery....which I will find out if it's truly needed after tomorrow's MRI. News to come on that front.
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